Prolific Copper Shield Fern (Dryopteris erythrosora var. prolifica)

The Prolific Copper Shield fern (Dryopteris erythrosora var. prolifica) is suitable for any aspect sheltered shaded gardens, in towns and cities, cottage and rock gardens, in beds and borders.

Prolific Copper Shield Fern Dryopteris erythrosora var. prolifica
Prolific Copper Shield fern – D. erythrosora var. prolifica

This evergreen to semi-evergreen fern originated in Japan. In five to ten years it will achieve mature growth up to 1 metre high with a maximum 1 metre spread.

D. erythrosora var. prolifica has a bushy growing habit with up to 60cm light green fronds during autumn and winter, new fronds can be tinged with pink during spring and summer.


Preferred cultivation conditions for Prolific Copper Shield ferns are moist, cool sites with partial to full shade. With regular watering and mulching during the first season, the established the fern plant will be more tolerant of occasionally drier shade conditions.

Prolific Copper Shield Fern Dryopteris erythrosora var. prolifica
Prolific Copper Shield fern – D. erythrosora var. prolifica

Propagate Dryopteris erythrosora var. prolifica

Propagating Prolific Copper Shield fern by sowing ripe spores or use division to propagate the ferns in spring.

Prolific Copper Shield Fern Care

Maintain a moist soil and remove dead, damaged, or withered fronds when required.

Pests and Disease

An outdoor fern plant generally free from pests and diseases.


Dryopteris erythrosora var. prolifica
Common name – Prolific Copper Shield fern
Family – Dryopteridaceae
Genus – Dryopteris


Read more about shade garden ferns

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