Hyacinth Flower

Guide to Planting Hyacinth Bulbs and Care of Hyacinth Flower

Hyacinth is an exceedingly beautiful flowering plant which wins the hearts many gardeners thanks to it charming elegance and wonderful fragrance.

It starts blooming at the beginning of spring with flowers in white, pink, red, orange, salmon, yellow and even lavender and blue.

Growing Hyacinths is not difficult; you only have to meet some basic requirements.

When you shop for Hyacinth bulbs, choose undamaged and solid ones, without any cuts, spots, softness, mushiness or rotten smell.

To make a nice arrangement, purchase at least ten bulbs, or better still a dozen.

Planting Hyacinth Bulbs

Hyacinth Flower prefers sunny locations, so choose a place open to some sunlight.

Light, well-drained and sandy soil will work well. The bulbs should be placed into five inch deep holes and approximately six inches apart from each other.

The flat end of the bulb should be put in the hole facing downwards, and the pointed end should be pointing upwards.

If your climate conditions are relatively warm, it is better to put the bulbs into the fridge for twenty days and to plant them at the end of the fall or autumn.

Make sure the soil is well drained and not too wet. If the soil is too wet the bulbs will start rotting.

Once planed all you have to do is just for the spring and look forward to when the Hyacinth sprout and you can enjoy their flowers in bloom.

Care of Hyacinth Flower

There are not too many tasks for the gardener to keep these plants healthy and beautiful.

The biggest maintenance job for Hyacinth Flower would be the so called “dead heading” procedure.

You have to remove faded flowers to stimulate growth and save the energy by stopping the forming of seeds. Skip this procedure if you want the plant to self-sow.

If you find some bulbs have been dug up by rodents, it is better to put a fence around the planting area and cut wires inside the holes with bulbs.

Hyacinth flowers also look nice when cut and put into a vase. They will fill the rooms in your house with a pleasant fragrance.

Tips for Hyacinth Flower

If you do not want your flower patch to be overcrowded, it is advisable to dig up the bulbs and split them. You can easily do that with an ordinary spade by cutting a bulb into a few parts.

There are lots of varieties for you to choose from and among the most attractive ones there are Hyacinth Macaw, Water Hyacinth and Woodstock Hyacinth.

Varieties of Hyacinth Bulbs

Unless otherwise stated the following Hyacinth prefer partial shade to full sun.

Grape Hyacinth – Latifolium
Scientific Name: Muscari latifolium
Zone: 4 to 9

Grape Hyacinth – Magic Carpet Mix
Scientific Name: Muscari ‘Magic Carpet Mix’
Zone: 3 to 8

Grape Hyacinth – Valerie Finnis
Scientific Name: Muscari armeniacum ‘Valerie Finnis’
Zone: 4 to 9

Grape Hyacinth – White
Scientific Name: Muscari Botryoides ‘Album’
Zone: 4 to 9

Grape Hyacinth – Yellow – Golden Fragrance
Scientific Name: Muscari macrocarpum ‘Golden Fragrance’
Zone: 4 to 9

Hyacinth – Blue Blend
Scientific Name: Hyacinth ‘blue blend’
Zone: 3 to 8
Sun: Full Sun

Hyacinth – Blue Ice
Scientific Name: Hyacinth ‘blue ice’
Zone: 4 to 9

Hyacinth – Double – Hollyhock
Scientific Name: Hyacinth double ‘hollyhock’
Zone: 4 to 9

Hyacinth – Festival – Blue
Scientific Name: Hyacinth Festival ‘blue’
Zone: 4 to -10

Hyacinth – Festival – Pink
Scientific Name: Hyacinth Festival ‘pink’
Zone: 4 to 10

Hyacinth – Festival – White
Scientific Name: Hyacinth Festival ‘white’
Zone: 4 to 10

Hyacinth – Gipsy Queen
Scientific Name: Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Gipsy Queen’
Zone: 4 to 8

Hyacinth – Isabelle
Scientific Name: Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Isabelle’
Zone: 4 to 8

Hyacinth – Jan Bos
Scientific Name: Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Jan Bos’
Zone: 4 to 8

Hyacinth – Mixed Colors
Scientific Name: Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Assorted Colors’
Zone: 4 to 8

Hyacinth – Pastel Mixed Colors
Scientific Name: Hyacinth ‘pastel mix’
Zone: 4 to 8

Hyacinth – Peter Stuyvesant
Scientific Name: Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Peter Stuyvesant’
Zone: 4 to 8

Hyacinth – Pink Frosting
Scientific Name: Hyacinth ‘pink frosting’
Zone: 4 to 9

Hyacinth – White Pearl
Scientific Name: Hyacinth ‘white pearl’
Zone: 4 to 9

Hyacinth – Woodstock
Scientific Name: Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Woodstock’
Zone: 4 to 8

Hyacinth – Yellow Queen
Scientific Name: Hyacinth ‘yellow queen’
Zone: 4 to 9

Indian Hyacinths
Scientific Name: Camassia esculenta
Zone: 4 to 8


Plant Hyacinth bulbs in the fall leaving enough time for the roots establish themselves. They should be planted 6 to 8 inches deep and no closer than 6 inches.

Add a little bone meal to the soil.

After they bloom you will need to stake them as the large amount of flowers will make the plants top heavy.

When the Hyacinth flowers have disappeared and the leaves are yellow, the leaves must remain to replenish the energy in the bulb for even a better season next year, then you can cut them to the ground.

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