Perennial Hibiscus Plant

Grow Hibiscus Plants in Your Garden

If you want to have fantastically beautiful flowering plant in your garden which is rather effortless to take care of, try perennial Hibiscus plants.

There are lots of varieties of Hibiscus which can be grown in different climate zones.

Some of them can survive frosty weather conditions if their roots are protected, the others prefer warmer temperature.

In general Hibiscus plants thrive in full sun and prefer to be watered regularly.

The sizes of Hibiscus plants can be different as well: from small shrubs to bushes of reasonable height.

Hibiscus flowers come in a wide range of colours: white, red, pink, yellow, purple… and many more.

The flowers are relatively big, showy and delicate. Their size ranges from three to ten inches in diameter.

This plant should not be mistaken for tropical Hibiscus which would not survive winter frosts, perennial Hibiscus plant will grow for a few years, decorating the landscape in your garden.

Location for Planting

Choose place in your garden that gets at least seven hours of sun during a day time. This plant requires sunshine to flourish.

Perennial Hibiscus plants are not very particular about soils: in fact in can grow just in any kind of soil. However, if you want the plants to thrive, they will need some organic mulch mixed in the soil.

The taller species of Hibiscus can reach up to between ten and fifteen feet, so make sure they have plenty of room and their growth will not be hindered.

How to Plant Hibiscus Perennial

Place the plant into a planting hole about six inches deep, tamp down after covering the roots. Immediately after planting give the plant a good watering.

Water and Fertilizing

The soil around Hibiscus should be moist all the time, so do not let it to dry off completely between watering. In three months’ time after planting, Hibiscuses usually get well-established and can survive dry soil, but they will not tolerate being dry for a long period of time.

To enrich the soil with organic matter, it should be fertilized after winter period with ten-twenty-ten fertilizer.


These plants require very little or no pruning at all, but you can still do this procedure to stimulate new growth. Start pinching back in the beginning of the growing season. Do not forget to remove faded flowers from the plant.

Protection against Cold

Frosty weather is potentially dangerous for the Hibiscus plant, so you should take some precautions against the cold.

When the temperature is freezing or almost freezing, mulch around the roots and cover that area with a sheet.

It simplifies the task if you keep your plant in a pot – just take it inside during periods of the most severe weather conditions.

This is not a big hassle considering how much joy this plant brings to gardeners during the rest of the year.

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